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By Selena Levine If you’ve never been to a physiotherapist before, you’ll likely have some questions about how to best prepare for your appointment. Even if you’ve been to a physiotherapist before, you may never have seen a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist. So I am here to walk you through the process of a PhysioExcellence assessment, and help you through any apprehension you may have.  To begin with, as the patient coordinator, I will send you some forms to collect releva...
Posted on 2014-12-11
In May, Nadia Keshwani joined Physio Excellence. With her extensive training in pelvic health  and orthopedic physiotherapy, Nadia is a great asset to the team and already a much-loved practitioner amongst patients. In addition to her work in-clinic, Nadia is also a clinical researcher and we are so glad to have her as part of our family. We wanted to formally introduce you to Nadia through this “get-to-know-you” interview. Enjoy! What drew you to physiotherapy as your cho...
Posted on 2014-12-03
By Zeynep Uraz, N.D. A woman’s nutritional needs are different than a man’s and an individual’s needs vary depending on a person’s stage of life.  Here is a list of supplements that are beneficial to most women. Before you begin taking your supplements, be sure to check with your healthcare provider to make sure that these products are right for you.   Vitamin D - The sunshine vitamin! Most Canadians are deficient in this vitamin.  Generally speaking,...
Posted on 2014-11-26
By Alan Vu, B.SC., N.D.  Do you have a lot going on? Are you a bit stressed? Here are 3 things you can start this minute to bring your stress level down! So much to do, so little time! This is a common theme for so many of the patients at our downtown Toronto clinic. The same is true for the patients I see in North York. And for my friends from all over the city. Stress is one of the most frequently occurring health problems for people everywhere. It’s hard to find many people...
Posted on 2014-11-17
In August of this year, Talia Diamond joined the Physio Excellence team. She is a great addition to our staff of physiotherapists, and with her unique background and knowledge she is a gifted practitioner. Many of you already know Talia, but for those who don’t, or those who want to learn a little bit more, we chatted with Talia about what drew her to physiotherapy, what she loves about her job and how her history informs her work. What drew you to physiotherapy as your chosen prof...
Posted on 2014-10-27
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Here's a sneak peak at recent posts:

Heather Vaughan - Stress Reduction for Men through Mindfulness

"As a physiotherapist who believes that the mind and spirit are just as important as the body in the successful treatment of physical injuries and pain..."


Dr. Alan Vu, ND

"3 Tips for Prostate Health"


Dr. Zeynep Uraz, ND

"6 Pregnancy Wellness Tips"


Patti MacGregor - Breast Massage

"Boob's, Ta-Ta's, The Girls, Jugs, (one I just learned) B1 and B2! Whatever you call them, if you are a woman; they are your life long companions and can be a source of great joy...and pain."


Julia Di Paolo - Size does Matter...Backpacks and your Kids

"Summer has come and gone and it’s September again. Time for back to school and back to school shopping. Number one on our shopping list this year is backpacks. The array of styles and sizes is staggering, not to mention prices."


Natalia Monka - Acupuncture and Physiotherapy

"I recently completed my second level course through the Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute (AFCI), and was humbled at the complexity and versatility of this treatment method within the scope of physiotherapy..."


Julia Di Paolo RPT - Role of the Pelvic Floor

"Hey your pubococcygeous is really cut! The role of the pelvic floor.
It's no secret that the pelvic floor is my favorite group of muscles. I often get asked why..."


Naturopath Team - Vagina Health

"April is Vagina Month!  We naturopaths here at PhysioExcellence want to pass along a few tips to for keeping your vagina healthy..."


Kerri Cooper C.N.P - Heal Your Gut To Heal Your Body

"Many problems that send us to doctors, physiotherapists, dentists and dermatologists are due to some type of inflammation: arthritis, tendonitis, gingivitis, dermatitis, colitis, neuritis, or any other ‘itis’ which signifies inflammation. Inflammation is an immune response to injury, toxins, infections and allergy..."


Julia Di Paolo RPT - How to Do a Proper Kegel

"So you had a baby and everyone told you to do the famous kegel exercises. You nod and say yes I’ve heard of that, then go home with your newborn baby and try to pull up your pelvic floor muscles, only to find you can’t feel them and really don’t know where they are anymore, let alone how to lift them up..."

Read more....

 Lauren MacArthur RPT – Injury Prevention

"With New Years resolutions on the horizon, many people are inspired to get into a new sport or to ramp up their current training program! Keep in mind, injury prevention is an essential component to the success of any athlete, whether you are an elite level or a weekend warrior..."

                                                                                                                        Read more....


Guest Post: Surgery Day – Wednesday March 7

“I took the subway to the surgery facility for 9 am. It was nice to walk and clear my head. In hindsight, it would also have been nice to have someone to sit with for support..."



Guest Post: Life After Surgery for Diastasis Recti Abdomini

One of our patients has undergone surgery to repair her diastasis recti abdominis. Keep checking in as we follow her physical and emotional journey through the recovery from surgery.

Tuesday March 6 - The Day Before Surgery

"There is no turning back now. Surgery is booked and paid for. My helpers are in place. And yet of course I am having second thoughts..."



When the Shoe is on the Other Foot... 

Those of you that see me in real life are fully aware of my dental woes. It’s a humbling experience to be in such a vulnerable situation. I have had a myriad of MSK issues; fracture, sprains, strains, disc bulges, pelvic organ prolapse, incontinence and even a diastasis. When these arise, it’s upsetting or just plain maddening, that I can’t play or run for a few weeks, but it’s not the same feeling when you’re out of your comfort zone...  


   Read more... __________________________________________________________________________________________________


2011: A Year in Review

As the end of the year approaches, and with a new year on the horizon, I look back on 2011 fondly as a year of inspiration and change.

The first major change was leaving my former clinic, CBI Spine and Sport Physiotherapy after 11 years. I had the privilege of being mentored for 6 of those years by Anita Lorelli Reg PT, a phenomenal clinician with her diploma in MDT from the McKenzie Institute...  

 Read more...  


 Is it Worth It?

 I treat a lot of women with diastasis recti (DRA) one of the most common questions I get asked is: I want to have another baby is it worth all this effort if it’s just going to separate again? Well, the simple answer is YES!!!...




Physio After Pregnancy. When to Start?

New moms ask me this all the time, so I thought it would make a great blog post!

Q: How quickly after giving birth can I begin post-natal diastasis physio?

A:The sooner you begin the better.

My preference is to start during the pregnancy, as soon as the diastasis is noticed, presumed or diagnosed. This way we can start patterning your muscles to work together, in synergy...


Top 10 Ways to Stay Safe While Biking!

Do you know the most common cause of bike vs. car accident?

I have been commuting to work on my bike for more than 10 years. The last 6 years include bringing my kids where they need to go (daycare, school, play dates, shopping). They have logged about 50% of my miles. I thought I had seen it all: cyclists smoking, toddlers eating choking hazards in bike seats, flips, falls and collisions...



 Healthy Snack for Kids!

For those of you who follow me on twitter: @physioexellence you know how enraged I have been at the boys’ soccer games in regards to the snacks parents are bringing…chocolates, mr. freeze, candy. I asked Carole Ma, a naturopathic doctor what the best snacks are for kids playing in this heat.
Here is her reply:...







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